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Who are we?

We are a group of paddle racing enthusiasts from throughout New York State making efforts to keep our sport accessible and energized. To this end, we:

  • Curate a calendar of races in New York State

  • Promote and financially support events on the calendar

  • Organize an end of year banquet

  • Present awards for athletic achievement and service to the community

  • Award raffle prizes and incentives to members

  • Maintain a standard set of rules, boat specifications, and race numbers (optional for race directors)

  • Organize the Points Series to track member performance throughout the season

  • Recognize, and award paddlers who race at least 200 miles per year

  • Provide information and learing tools

  • Poll the comminty on relevent issues

  • Send email reminders and social media posts for upcoming events

Gene Newman reciving a lifetime acheivement award for service to the community.

Mission Statement

Photo: Monica RIchards

NYPRA Mission Statement

The mission of the New York Paddlesports Racing Association (NYPRA) is to promote the growth of paddlesports in New York State, fight against the misuse of our natural waterways, and embody excellence in sportsmanship and fair play. We are an all-inclusive group, welcoming persons from all walks of life to participate in NYPRA-sanctioned events using Paddle Boards, Kayaks, Canoes, and any other human-powered craft. NYPRA is dedicated to fostering a strong paddling community by supporting well-organized events that ensure smooth, timely, safe, and accessible on-water competitions. A key focus is inspiring the next generation of paddlers by promoting youth participation through outreach programs, training opportunities, and youth-friendly events, helping young paddlers connect with nature and develop essential skills. As a facilitator and liaison between various North American paddlesport governing bodies, including the United States Canoe Association, American Canoe Association, Michigan Canoe Racing Association, Association des coureurs en canot du Québec​, and New England Canoe and Kayak Racing Association, NYPRA strengthens and unites the paddling community.


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