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Sun April 6, 2025 Newark, DE 19702 US Directions


Coffee Run

$40 $35
($0: Ages 0 - 6) ($25: Ages 7 - 18)
9:00AM EDT - 11:00AM EDT Price increases after April 5, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT


2275 Pulaski Highway
Glasgow Park
Newark, DE US 19702


A Coffee Run brought to you by the Delaware Athletic Trainers' Association! 

The DATA is excited to bring you our 4th Annual Coffee Run!  Even if you do not love coffee---we promise a family friendly morning for all levels of runners and walkers!


This event is a fundraiser for the Delaware Athletic Trainers' Association. Athletic Trainers (ATs) are licensed healthcare providers that specialize in injury and illness prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation, as well as emergency care and preparedness of the physically active. Our traditional setting is in secondary schools, collegiate, and professional athletic departments (We are the ones with the fanny packs that run out for injuries!!) but you will also see us in other places, including PT clinics and doctors offices. The DATA represents Athletic Trainers and advocates for the health and safety of athletes and the physical active in the state of Delaware. For more information about Athletic Trainers and the DATA visit

Runners Amenities

Runners will receive:

- Official Coffee Run SWAG

- Free Snacks and Coffee!  

Awards and Age Groups

Overall Male & Overall Female

Top 3 in each age group Male/Female

13 and under, 14-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70 +

*Overall and Masters - based off GUN TIME

*Age Groups - based off CHIP TIME

Bib Pick Up and Registration

Sunday April 6th from 8:00am till 8:55am at Glasgow Park

5K Start Time 9am 

Course Map


*Map is for directional purposes only

FAQ's & Policies

Information all participants should know.

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