Nocturnal 12: - In Greece, NY: Largely flat, wide, smooth paved path parallel to, but separate from Lake Ontario State Parkway. The section of Lake Ontario State Parkway Trail we are using is located between Island Cottage Road and Dewey Avenue in Greece, NY. On Google Maps, the trailhead is labeled as part of the 390 Trail, despite the onsite signage showing it as LOSP Trail. (Click the "On Google Maps" link and change the starting address to yours. Google Maps also shows 3.270446, -77.660644 at the coordinates. Compare the map below to what your GPS shows for best results.) Park on the west shoulder of Cottage Island Road before the trailhead, which would then be on your right. Be mindful of traffic as it comes up behind you!
Safety: The path is NOT lit. You will need a headlamp or flashlight. It is autumn. Wet leaves or fallen twigs/nuts could create a slipping hazard. There are two short segments with about 10-15' of grass between the nearest edge of the path and the shoulder of the parkway. We will have markings to alert drivers to the edge of the road out of an abundance of caution. The rest of the path is either blocked by trees, a guard rail, or much more distance from the road. See the map in satellite view to get a clear idea of the area.
Environment: This is in the wilderness. There is a nearby pond, marshy areas, a creek, two bridges, open field, and trees. It is possible bugs will still make a visit. Chances are good you'll hear nightlife such as frogs and toads. You may even hear an owl! The path is NOT closed to the public. It is possible you'll have cyclists and other pedestrians, especially before most folks' bedtimes.
Aid Station: The aid station is at the Island Cottage Road end of the path, which is also check-in. There will be a variety of typical ultra fare: cookies, chips, fruit, candy, flat soda, water, Gatorade, and pickles. There will be hot foods/beverages at specific times throughout the race. There will be additional items to be determined. There will be one port-a-potty unless we get enough racers to warrant a second one.
Turnaround: The turnaround points are the permanently installed posts in the path on each end between Island Cottage and Dewey. The Dewey end will have some light from the lamp across the street.
Tents (Personal Aid Station): You are permitted to bring a tent and set up near the aid station, but space may be limited, depending upon turnout. The grass may be tall, so bear that in mind. Most people really only need enough space for a chair and a few personal belongings, possibly covered by a tarp. Remember, whatever you bring in, you have to take out. After you're tired. In the dark. Maybe by yourself. There's also a decorating contest for your personal aid station.
Okay, if you really want to, you can stay after the race is officially over so you don't have to leave in the dark and so you can get some shuteye before hitting the road. But all the other stuff is still true!
Map of Race Headquarters (Aid Station, starting area, parking, etc.)
Aerial View of Course
PDF linked is to the headquarters/unloading map.
Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.